29 julio, 2008

owl of minerva sees too much

One may think that freedom of speech is the faculty of proffering whatever it comes to his mind. I see it as an inside and outside issue: apart the great discussion about the limits of this right, try to confront the problem under the listener view, in the way that it's as much important for us can speak up as for us to be able to NOT listen of all the information floating around the world and inferring its presence in the streets, in our mail, at our homes.
Living in society means, by definition, ought to know things we may find unimportant or uninteresting. Part of our duty as citizens is understand and tolerate behaviors as well as participate in the essential matters of politics, that's our 'burden' in order to survive all along.
Nevertheless, I have the right to decide the amount and the content of the information I desire to absorb. I can´t, outside my duties as a citizen, be obligated to listen what you, common person with potential profiting-catechizing-sentimental-or-merely-idiot-opinion, have to say if it's not my unattached and personal decision. This way, I consider I'm fully free of speech when I can produce information (that people decide listening or not), and when I'm fully free to walk down my street and be able to see a window or some tree, not ONLY enormous peaces of publicity talking me into buying a car, to open my email box and don't have to delete tons of 'enlarging my unexistent penis' spams before see my friend's last news, to be aware of what happens around me without the hideous dissimulation of a sold press.
Express yourself also means be let alone to think and create your own opinions.

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Roberta Gonçalves, 2007 - We copyleft it!