19 marzo, 2008

Problems when publishing with Windows Movie Maker on Vista

This is not exactly the main theme of this blog - as a matter of fact I can't find a single connection to this post, but hey, who knows, maybe I'll be writing something truly helpful, just for a change...

After reading all FAQ's about the publishing problems going on with windows movie maker on vista and after doing all those intricate stuff people suggest, I finally discover one that really works with me: I have a sony vaio with vista 32bits installed and every time I tried to publish on movie maker, even though I can finish the project perfectly, either I received a "wmm stops working and need to be restarted" message or the publishing process stopped at the "you don't have enough free space on you hard drive" kind of message afterwards.

Ok, here's the deal: Not even one of the solutions actually posted online would solve my problem, so I just created another user's account, which must NOT be a administrator one, imported the files I would need for the project, work normally on the project and... hooray! IT WORKED! I could save it at the hard drive and even send it to my email account. And the video file ran perfectly. I don't even know how I got that idea and much less what is the logic of all this, but it also worked in two other pc's I was invited to help with.

It's been two weeks now and I've made a hole bunch of movies, large ones, with soundtrack and those ones with all the effects as well, and everything is running just as heaven. Couldn't be more simple than that! Just remember: a new user account that ought to be a standard one and... that's it!

Well, I hope it helped. And in order to prevent any other OS stupidities, my last advice is: DO WHAT I DID AND SWITCH IT TO LINUX.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

hey, that's windows vista. it was made to enable you to do anything that you can do in a Firefox: wordprocessing and surfing the web.

anything else is too much


Roberta Gonçalves, 2007 - We copyleft it!