27 junio, 2008

Das poucas coisas que me fazem chorar

Turandot, Pucchini - Lucciano Pavarotti
Atto III - Quadro primo

No man shall sleep! No man shall sleep!

No man shall sleep! No man shall sleep!
You too, o Princess,
in your chaste room
are watching the stars which
tremble with love and hope!
But my secret lies hidden within me,
no one shall discover my name!
Oh no, I will reveal it only on your lips,
when daylight shines forth
and my kiss shall break
the silence which makes you mine!

off stage; distant
Nobody will discover his name ...
And we shall have to die, alas! Die!

Depart, oh night! Hasten your setting, you stars!
Set, you stars! At dawn I shall win!
I shall win! I shall win


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Roberta Gonçalves, 2007 - We copyleft it!